Luxury Property Dedicated to Horses Sold with all Equipments .
Habitable Size:
340 m²
Land Size:
6.76 ha
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Region: Midi-Pyrénées
Department: Ariège (09)
Commune: Mirepoix (09500)
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Key Info
Advert Reference: 23549
- Type: Residential (Farmhouse / Fermette, House), Business (Working Farm / Farmland), Maison Ancienne , Detached
- Bedrooms: 7
- Bath/ Shower Rooms: 4
- Habitable Size: 340 m²
- Land Size: 6.76 ha
- Heating: gaz, clim. réversible
- Kitchen: équipée, américaine
- Garage(s)
- Garden(s)
- Land
- Off-Street Parking
- Outbuilding(s)
- Stable(s) / Equestrian Facilities
Property Description
Close to all amenities, a train station, motorway access, here is a large recent house in perfect condition surrounded by all the outbuildings necessary for living in the midst of your horses, or horses in pension. It could be an equestrian center, but also a center of breeding, of reproduction, which it was. The set is in a perfect state of maintenance as shown in the photos. For connoisseurs, pele-mele: Rond d'Havrincourt - manual lunging ring 30x30 - auto lunging ring / 4 horses 20M in diameter - 2 large boxes - 4 boxes with blacksmith area / treatment area / ultrasound area / insemination - 11 boxes, tack room, workshops... Storage buildings with photovoltaic 9 + 3 KW Automated watering on the whole property including the paddocks, by agricultural pump, drop by drop by well. Property sold with all the tools, agricultural machinery (tractors, accessories, etc.). Contact me for more information .

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